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charlotte welker


Assistant Professor of Physics
City University of New York, NY, USA
  •  Cluster-filament interface (NSF funded) 
  •  Evolution of dwarfs in their environment (LSSTC funded)
  •  Supervision of postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates
  •  Teaching of undergraduate courses in Physics
  •  Design and Teaching of graduate courses in Astrophysics
Postdoctoral Fellow 
Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA
  • Predictions for JWST and preparation of Cycle 1 program
  • Design of high-resolution simulation of clusters
  • Study of dwarf satellites around simulated. analogs of local galaxies
  • Supervision of students Madhani and Wroblewski
Herschel Fellow
December 2018-2020
McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
  • Work on satellites in groups and clusters
  • exploration of conductions model for AMR code RAMSES
  • supervision of students Kotecha and Zhou
Jim Buckee Fellow
November 2015-November 2018
ICRAR, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia.
  • Mocks for the SAMI and Hector IFS surveys
  • Preparation of Hector Surveys
  • Analysis of the cosmic web in large-volume simulations
  • supervision of students Canas, Li, Qin and Hackett
PhD in Astrophysics
​2012 - 2015.
Sorbonne University, Paris, France

supervisors: Christophe Pichon and Julien Devriendt



  • performing a numerical study of the comparative effect of wet and dry mergers on galactic morphologies
  • performed the post-treatment and statistical analysis of a state-of-the-art AMR cosmological simulation run with RAMSES
  • good theoretical training in galactic dynamics and constrained random fields generation. 






ASTR 77000/ PHYS 85200 - Galaxies
CUNY Graduate Centre, NY, USA
2023 - 
Curriculum design and Instructor


PHYS 1441 -  General Physics I 
CUNY City Tech, NY, USA
2022-  2023
Instructor for lectures and labs.



Miscelleanous courses in Astronomy
McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

Joint Humanities-Science courses, Inquiry-based learning courses in Astronomy
Teaching Assistant in Physics/ Adjunct Lecturer
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, Paris, France
Sept 2012 -Sept 2015
•  Practical and training courses for Bachelor’s and Master’s students in Physics.
Courses in optics, mechanics, wave mechanics, mathematics and computer science (Mathematica) 
Agregation, Physics major
July, 2012
highly competitive higher education teaching award in physics  
Computational Skills

Fortran, Python, Yorick, IDL 


Astro : RAMSES, MUSIC, MPGraphic, DisPerSe, HaloMaker,VelociRAPTOR


French : native

English: fluent

Spanish: Intermediate


member of the ANR Spin(e)

member of the AAS

member of the SAMI survey 

Hector survey design team

member of the VERTICO survey


PhD in Astrophysics

​2012 - 2015

Sorbonne University, Paris, France

supervisors: Christophe Pichon and Julien Devriendt

Master of Science, (2 years) Theoretical Physics

​2009 - 2011

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon 69007, France

magna cum laude


Bachelor of Science, Physics

​2008 - 2009

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon 69007, France

magna cum laude


Classes preparatoires PCSI-PC*

2005 - 2008

(intensive preparation program to competitive entrance higher education schools)

Lycee Henri IV, Paris, FRANCE, 75005. 

Admission to Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and Ecole Polytechnique.





  • “Mergers drive spin swings along the cosmic web” , C. Welker, Y. Dubois, J. Devriendt, C. Pichon, S. Peirani, MNRAS, 2014

  • “Dancing in the Dark: galactic properties trace spin swings along the cosmic web” Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, C. Welker et al. accepted in MNRAS, 2014

  • “The comparative effects of smooth accretion and dry and wet mergers on the galactic morphologies”, C. Welker et al., MNRAS, 2017 

  • "Caught in the rhythm: satellite galaxies in the galactic plane", MNRAS, 2018

  • "The SAMI survey: first detection of spin alignments with cosmic filaments in the kinematics of galaxies," MNRAS, 2020

  • "Cosmic Filaments delay quenching inside clusters", submitted to MNRAS, 2022 (co-lead with student Kotecha)



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