About GothamWeb
A web of galaxies

Gotham Web is an Astrophysics Research Lab at CUNY City Tech. We study the formation and evolution of galaxies from dwarfs to massive ellipticals in their cosmic environment. We focus on understanding the complex interplay between galaxies and the large-scale cosmic structures that form part of the Cosmic Web

We are recruiting two advanced (Junior/Senior) students to work on the analysis of new hydrodynamical simulation of clusters and/or photometric surveys of dwarf galaxies. Projects should start in the Fall 2024 but an earlier start is possible. Students will be involved in the peer-mentoring of Freshman and Sophomore students
We are recruiting two freshman/sophomore students to work on short astronomy projects related to star formation in galaxies and properties of cosmic filaments. Students will receive a training in Python and take part in a peer-learning program.
Our team
Our collaborators